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The role of enterosorbtion in treatment of bacterial diarrhea in children


Authors studied clinical and laboratory efficacy of natural enterosorbate Filtrum-STI in treatment of acute bacterial diarrhea in patients 1–14 years old. The drug has significant detoxication effect resulting in the dynamics of infection syndrome and terms of endotoxicosis laboratory markers normalization. This sorbate has protective effect on obligatory micro flora of intestinum.
Key words: children, bacterial intestinal infections, endotoxicosis, enterosorption.

About the Authors

O.I. Nyrkova
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Academy

L.A. Alekseyeva
Scientific Institute of Children’s Infections, St. Petersburg

M.K. Bekhtereva
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Academy

T.V. Bessonova
Scientific Institute of Children’s Infections, St. Petersburg


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For citations:

Nyrkova O., Alekseyeva L., Bekhtereva M., Bessonova T. The role of enterosorbtion in treatment of bacterial diarrhea in children. Current Pediatrics. 2011;10(2):96-101.

Views: 431

ISSN 1682-5527 (Print)
ISSN 1682-5535 (Online)